Tuesday 17 April 2012

teething bling giveaway @renewable mommy -check it out :)

The beginning of my blogging adventures :)

Today I embark on a new journey of documentation. I've been told by numerous facebook friends that I should write a book based on my status' alone as they are so frequently entertained by them.Well, perhaps not by the status', but by the actions of the children who they pertain to...my little wild things Kal and Ki. So here goes my modern day book writing attempt-a blog all about our life and family. My hopes are that when my children are grown they'll have a record of just how crazy they were from the beginning and hopefully have as many laughs over their shenanigans as daddy and I have shared. Today's lesson subject would have to be patience: patience is waking up to the most beautiful 2 year old in the world screaming and seeing that she has removed her clothing and diaper to gently roll them inside of my coat and attempt zipping them up-the screaming was at the non compliant zipper. Once settled from the zipper ordeal with my pee soaked coat in the laundry, we stopped off cribside to pick up another cutie-her little brother Ki who was screaming for all sorts of reasons. 1) he woke up solo (not a fan) 2) his sister's screaming terrifies him 3) he was drenched from a sopping wet diaper. Then it was time to clean up the wild things, fresh bums, fresh clothes, fresh faces and time for milk and cuddles. While heating their milk with Ki in arm, Kaly traipsed into my room again- as I walked through the hall I met her clothes and diaper-entering the room I met a not so nice view of her entirely. There's no words to describe the patience a mother has while witnessing her child's bum in the air and mustard looking diarrhea covering the light carpet, there's just no way to describe the irritation, fury even that gets buried the second your kid looks up from doing this and says "c'mon honey (I'm) all done" as she scoots up and out of the room in the same flash she entered it. Leaving her brother and I with the same grossed out look on our faces-he's only one, but his nose works great lol. So it was round 2 on the cleaning what should have been in diaper messes from my bedroom floor/apparel. Redress eldest wild thing and finally give them both milk. After milk and cuddles watching Elmo together it was time for breakfast. I opened the fridge to pull out eggs and Kaly pulled out a large pizza ordered the night before and Ki took an apple-so pizza for breakfast was in order. Then it was time for a livingroom dance party and onto play...only not so fast mom. Nobody wants to play with toys, toys are awful and Ki told me so with different grunts, shrieks and groans for a good hour or so. After some peek-a-boo belly tickles all was well with the world again and Kaly wanted to go in the jumperoo (which is awesome for babies, but kind of wonky for above average sized almost 3 year olds) but hey whatever floats her boats, especially since she refused to get out of it for over an hour =giving me a chance to tidy breakfast and do dishes. After tidying and air guitar with Ki it was time for a coffee...FINALLY by 11am my patience paid off.